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Faculty position opening Tenure-track Assistant Professor (Application deadline: September 20th, 2018)

Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies, National Sun Yat-Sen University

Faculty position opening

Tenure-track Assistant Professor

Area of Expertise:

1. Southeast Asia Region studies, China Studies, China-U.S. Relation Studies, Asia-Pacific studies or other related fields in political science.

Number of position: 12


  1. Ph.D. in Social Sciences recognized by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C.
  2. For further information on regulations and career information of tenure-track positions in NSYSU, please find in the following web links :

Application procedure:

        Applicants should submit the following documents before September 20th, 2018

  1. Comprehensive C.V. and autobiography
  2. A list of publications in the last five years (including journal articles and academic books).
  3. A copy of Ph.D. degree diploma and other related documents.
  4. Syllabi for either “Southeastern Asia Politics”, “Comparative Politics”, or “China-U.S. Relations” course.

The Institute schedules to the fill the position on February 1st, 2019.

Application deadline and mailing address (please indicate on envelope “application for Full Time faculty position in Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies”):

Application deadline: September 20th, 2018

Mail to: Dr. Hsien-chao, Chang

Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies, National Sun-Yat-Sen University

No. 70, Lienhai Rd., Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Tel: +886-7-5252000 ext 5571     Fax: +886-7-5255571

(documents submitted will not be returned)

For inquiries and further information, please contact: Mrs. Wu



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